The Only GDPR Guide You’ll Need

What is GDPR?

The GDPR (short for General Data Protection Regulation) applies to all companies that do business with — and use personal data from — the EU. This includes a large number of companies headquartered in the US, Canada, China, Japan, and other non-EU countries.

But, what is the GDPR? What does it mean for your company? What’s the bottom line?

Whether you’re just hearing about the GDPR for the first time or you’re beginning to make preparations, this guide will help you on your GDPR journey. Download this white paper to explore:

  • A high level overview of the GDPR
  • Which companies are affected
  • What action is required to achieve GDPR compliance
  • Hiring a data protection officer (DPO), and
  • How encryption helps achieve GDPR data security compliance

Get the GDPR 101 white paper now.

Get The White Paper